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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-02-05编辑:vicky点击率:3046

论文字数:43555论文编号:org202101171113038961语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Translation Project

In September and October 2013,China’s President Xi Jinping made thecooperation proposals and build the “New Silk Road Economic Belt,21st CenturyMaritime Silk Road” .The “the Belt and Road” construction is a long-term project. Itis necessary for us to strengthen the connection of development strategies.Also ,weneed to promote the interconnection of countries along the route and improve thelevel of trade.What’s more, deepen international capacity cooperation and create anew framework of opening, inclusive, balanced is very necessary. In recent years,make the inclusive regional economic cooperation and taking into account theinterests of all parties become more and more important.The “the Belt and Road” isnot only a mechanism, but also a concept and initiative of cooperative development. Itrelies on the multilateral mechanisms which have existing of China and relevantcountries, and build a regional cooperation platform with each other . The history ofthe Silk Road shows us the banner of peace and development, advocates us todevelop economic cooperation between the countries along “the Belt and Road”actively.And build a interests, shared future community.Making the community withpolitical trust, economic integration and cultural tolerance.


1.2 Significance of the Translation Project

The translation report has enabled Chinese enterprises to strengthen theireconomic ties with neighboring countries. With the trend of development economicand globalization, the trade between China and other countries is getting closer andcloser.Under the guidance of “the Belt and Road ” strategy, the infrastructure alongthe route has been continuously improved, and China also can conduct trade withneighboring countries and regions. As a new trading platform, China's export capacityhas also been improved, so this strategy is more conducive to China's economiccooperation with other countries and achieve a win-win situation ultimately.

It also promotes the improvement of Chinese companies' international status.With the prosperous implementation of“the Belt and Road” strategy ,it has not onlydrive the rapid economic development of the countries and regions along the route,but also improve the investment environment along the route, making the entire“Beltand Road ” region a more and more closely integrated organism. 'The country'sinfrastructure is generally backward, which provides a huge opportunity for China'sindustrial transfer.

For other Chinese export enterprises, this translation project provides them withreference materials for investment exchanges with other countries. The bidding contract is essential for the economic exchanges between various countries. Thetranslation report of the bidding contract has made a big success of cooperationbetween China and Vietnam and provided valuable thoughtful materials for moretrade in the future strongly. And in this process of translation, translators have alsolearned many methods and skills about the translation of business contracts,what’smore, the translators has gained a lot in translation ability.


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