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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-28编辑:hynh1021点击率:6366

论文字数:20900论文编号:org201212281001005550语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





1-1 Research Background研究背景
作为翻译研究的发展的基石,詹姆斯·霍姆斯,冠词的名称和翻译研究的性质宣布成立,翻译研究作为一门独立的学科。在本文中,霍姆斯将翻译研究分为两大分支:一种是纯理论研究,翻译研究,翻译和其他应用研究As a cornerstone of the development of translation studies, James S. Holmes,articleThe Name and Nature of Translation Studies declared the establishment of translation studiesas an independent discipline. In this paper, Holmes divided translation studies into two majorbranches: one is pure research in translation studies, and the other applied translation studies,(under which translation criticism is considered as a main part of its several sub-branches.However, in the long history of translation studies before the establishment of modemlinguistics, translation criticism has always been empirical and fragmentary. Withoutsystematical construction and theoretical support, translation criticism could only be confinedto some superficial discussion about translation standards, language mistakes, https://www.51lunwen.org/translation/ fineness of thetranslation and the faithfulness to the original.This phenomenon has been undergoing some changes ever since related subjects likelinguistics, semiotics, literary criticism etc. were introduced into translation criticism studiesin 1960s. Since then, translation researchers began to devote themselves to the constructionof systematic translation critical methods and translation evaluation models. Among all thosepioneers working in this endeavor, Juliane House is no doubt a remarkable one. Her works AModel for Translation Quality Assessment (House, 1981) and Translation Quality Assessment:A Model Revisited (House, 1997) have been accepted as the first scientific and systematicoattempt for the establishment of translation quality assessment model. With the theoreticalfoundation, a relatively complete system of parameters, and a set of specified procedures, it isthe first uncontested theoretical model with empirical researches in translation criticismstudies.

1.2 Research Objective研究目标
From the perspective of linguistic typology, the link between English and German ismuch closer than that between English and Chinese. Therefore, based on German and Englishlanguage pair, Juliane House's model is not necessarily suitable for the English Chinesetranslation.The objective of this paper is to test the feasibility of House's translation quality, assessment model in English Chinese translation. In this paper, a case study of the applicationof House's model will be carried out. After this empirical study, some reflections on thedefects and limitations of this model will be presented.

1.3 Research Methodology研究方法论
In order to fulfill the objective, a popular anthropological work The Chrysanthemumand The Sword by a famous American anthropologist Ruth Benedict and a well-acceptedtranslation version of this book published by the Commercial Press are chosen as the researchsubject for an empirical study.In accordance with statistical methods, all paragraphs in the thirteen chapters of thisbook constitute the population of this research, and each paragraph is an individual item.Since it is impossible and unnecessary to analyze each individual item, sampling methodwould be employed for this research. In order to deduce the general characteristics of theentire popu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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