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中国饮食文化的翻译 Translation of Chinese food culture

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-04-15编辑:cinq点击率:8874

论文字数:1000论文编号:org201404141443367271语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:cultural communicationcross-culturalfood culturecultural translation


中国饮食文化的翻译 Translation of Chinese food culture

Abstract : Chinese people has always been "the kind of god", whether it is basic survival needs: food, clothing, or the further needs of life: eat, drink, are inseparable from the "food" and "eat." Chinese food culture has a long history, profound, cross-cultural communication is an important part. Therefore, in cross-cultural translation, cultural translation is the translation of the diet is an important part of its cross-cultural nature of historical significance and the dissemination of culture. In this paper, food culture based on the nature of translation, summarized in the diet in the common problem of cultural translation, of translation optimization strategy, and finally conclude an effective method for this. 

Key words : cultural communication cross-cultural food culture cultural translation

First, the Chinese food culture and translation
Food is a cultural phenomenon, it has a common culture. Language is the carrier of culture, the transmission of culture through translation. For the translation, the traditional concept that is the conversion between the two languages, to the neglect of cultural issues in translation. In fact, cross-cultural communication, communicators face the greatest difficulty is not the language, but rather the culture. Translation itself is a product of intercultural communication is through cross-cultural communication. Half of the 20th century, the translation of cultural shift appears, at present, in the translation of the research community, people the meaning and effect of translation into another new direction - cultural exchange and dissemination. People set their sights on the mission of carrying translation, the translation of cultural exchanges placed in the larger context of the province. Therefore, the food culture of translation studies should also be placed with the world's largest Chinese context. 
Gone through five thousand years of history of Chinese food culture, is profound, is the glory and pride the Chinese people. At present, culture and translation of most of the focus on the macro, and devoted to the cultural translation of a relatively small area. It is learned that in order to meet the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the problem of translation for the menu, to the community to collect on the "Chinese menu in English translation of" ideas, a collection of more than 2,700 English menu and drinks, In addition, the experts of specialized organizations to discuss the Dishes translation, designed to allow foreign tourists to more easily understand Chinese food culture. Name of the dish is actually a manifestation of a country's culture, foreigners on the understanding of Chinese food culture is a large part reflected from the Chinese food, if foreigners can understand the meaning of some of our dish, or these dishes Name figure out, it is an art in learning, they will therefore understand and like the Chinese.
Second, the diet of cultural identity in the translation Based on a broad vision of cultural studies to explore the Chinese food culture of the translation, we can not but relate to their cultural identity. Cultural identity is generally regarded as unique to a particular culture, but also born of a specific series of national characteristics (Chiang red, 2007). Bo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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