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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-03-03编辑:lgg点击率:5557

论文字数:32733论文编号:org201603021307209186语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter One Introduction to the Translation Project  

1.1  Motivations for Choosing the Translation Project 
The  selected  project  is  to  translate  some  excerpts  in  chapters  of  the  Legal  System,  Legal Professionals  in  Practice,  Law  in  Practice,  Liability  and  Contract  picked  from  the  book  of Professional English in use: Law, written by Gillian D. Brown and Sally Rice. This book is for a wide range of people who need to use legal English in their work and lives, and also for English language learners or learners of law to develop their knowledge of legal English. Meanwhile, this book  can  also  provide  legal  English  instructions  to  those  who  are  preparing  for  the  ILEC  exam (International Legal English Certificate). Currently, much attention has been paid by quite a few researchers both at home and abroad to legal English. There are a lot of foreign scholars devoted to this field, such as A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage written by Bryan Garner, Translating Law by Deborah Cao, Legal English by Rupert Haigh, and The language of the Law by David Mellinkoff. Likewise, at home, the law expert  and  legal  English  translation  expert,  Chen  Zhongcheng,  wrote  E-C/C-E  Corrective Glossary  of  Legal  Terms  and  Legal  English.  The  scholar,  Zhu  Dingchu,  has  mentioned  that  the fundamental requirement of legal English is the preciseness, which is accurately showing the true meaning of the text (Zhu Dingchu, 2002). The researches and findings made by these scholars are quite  helpful  for  the  understanding  and  translation  of  legal  English.  In  addition  to  that,  “the demand  for  legal  translation  is  on  the  rise  around  the  world  owing  to  globalization  and  the increased contact and exchange between peoples and states” (Deborah Cao, 2007), therefore the translation project is selected.  

1.2 Significance of the Translation Project 
The  megatrend  of  globalization,  especially  China?s  accession  to  the  WTO,  has  been propelling  China?s  exchanges  with  the  outside  world,  such  as  in  fields  of  economy,  politics, culture and so forth. Conflicts and frictions, however, keep emerging in the process, and the task of problem-solving becomes all the more daunting. In this regard, resorting to law can be of great benefit. Moreover, due to the spread of legal English as the predominant language in international business, as well as its role as a legal language, legal English has become a global phenomenon. Therefore,  legal  English  is  worth  detailed  study,  both  academically  and  practically.  During  the process  of  translating  the  selected  material,  the  linguistic  features  of  le论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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