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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2021-07-21编辑:vicky点击率:3181

论文字数:51445论文编号:org202107210941171179语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44



本文对技术规范和语篇类型理论进行了研究,并从语篇类型理论的角度对原文进行了分析。在对原文的分析中,指出了原文的特点,即信息性和可操作性。由于它是可操作的,它的语言给人一种法律用语的效果,包括法律用语的使用,没有主语的句子,以及冗长的句子。这些特点都与翻译问题有关。为解决这些问题,制定了以下五项战略。这些策略是:(1)寻找技术术语的精确等价物(2) 把长句分成短句(3) 重新排列源语言的顺序(4) 重铸源语句子;(五)合同约定使用法律语言。如果这些策略能够被其他译者所采用,那么翻译质量将会得到很大的提高。

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

The author has done her internship in a translation company for six months and foundthat most of the texts for translation are concerned with practical application. Among them,the translation of technical specifications is frequent to be seen. A good translation oftechnical specification could well guide the technicians to conduct corresponding operationscorrectly, while a bad one may make the readers confused and even result inmisunderstanding of the original text. After translating a great number of technicalspecifications and correcting other translators’ versions, the author found that there are manyproblems concerning words, sentences and style. Those problems will certainly impair thequality of translation and even cause troubles.

After searching on the internet, it could be found that some scholars have studied thetranslation of technical specifications, but the researches are only in a small number. There areonly fourteen theses about the translation of technical specification on CNKI up to April,2020. I also find that their results are not able to guide my practice directly. Hence the studyon the translation of technical specification still requires to be enriched.

In order to deliver high-quality translations to the customers, the author wants to find asuitable theory to guide the practice. The theories of textual typology categorize the texts bytheir functions, so it is feasible and valuable to apply these theories to the study ofmulti-featured technical specifications. A technical specification is a detailed description onthe requirements of certain product, to the effect that is especially valuable for the targetreader. According to the theories of textual type, technical specification is both informativeand vocative.


1.2 Research Significance

Nowadays, the translation of technical specifications assigned by customers is growingrapidly in amount. Although there is a huge amount of translation on technical specifications,the quality of target versions is not good enough. Feasible and practical strategies are inurgent need to improve the quality.

Today, there are few strategies aiming at the specific features of technical specification.This research will be intended to explore some operational strategies for the special andnarrow field—technical specification. In the research process, the language features oftechnical specification will be illustrated through analyzing Technical Specification of CarbonSteel Pipes from the perspective of the differences between English and Chinese. All thestrategies will be supported by examples from this source text.High-quality translation of technical specifications will provide an accurate technicalguidance and legal protection to both parties. This study is expected to enrich the existenttranslation strategies in this minor field of technical specification, so as to promote thedevelopment of pipeline engineering industry in our country.


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