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英国本科课程作业:The marketplace inclusivity should be concise to certain groups

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-09-09编辑:cinq点击率:5343

论文字数:1400论文编号:org201509090933156139语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:marketplace inclusivityConsumer purchasing behavior


英国本科课程作业:The marketplace inclusivity should be concise to certain groups


As the increasing of consumers’ pReferences, the market segmentation appears again to enterprises that whether the marketplace can or should be inclusive to all consumers. There is no a absolute answer since the object is not identified. For the whole marketplace, it is sure to consider the demand for all consumers. Nevertheless, for an independent actor in an industry, being inclusive to all consumers would decentralize its energy which would be counterproductive. 
In this essay ,we choose fashion as the specific market to analysis the feasibility and necessity of marketplace inclusivity and exclusivity. Firstly, this essay will discuss the existing academic literature in fashion. Following this, it will explain the advantages and disadvantages of marketplace inclusivity and why it should be concise. Finally, it will present an example of Coca Cola to provide an advice of marketplace inclusivity. 

literature review 
Literatures have discussed the omittance in mainstream market. Daiane Scaraboto and Eileen Fischer discussed the mobilization of plus-sized consumers to seek more choice from mainstream market. (Scaraboto & Fischer 2012) In addition, Kathy Hamilton & Miriam Catterall do a research on the low-income consumers and call on more concern for them. (Hamilton & Catterall 2005) The marginalization of low-income consumers is accentuated by marketers disinterest in poorer consumers. (Winnett and Thomas 2003) In contrast, an investigation on high-income consumers like the UK mature women also indicates the exclusivity of marketplace. (Birtwistle & Tsim 2005) The demand aiming at consumers with dissimilar preferences has been captured by merchants to develop on the Internet. (Choi & Bell 2011) As the researches showed, there are many areas of consumers ignored by the merchants, whatever they are poor or wealthy. However, the incompletion of the marketplace inclusivity is just the potential opportunity of the companies towards consumer of different classes. (Robert et al. 2003)

The feasibility and necessity of the marketplace inclusivity
It is a common phenomenon that consumers either find no clothes catering to their taste or all their favorite. This is the inevitable result of market segmentation for the target groups of different brands are not overlapped which leads to the difference. Everyone brand has its brand culture like Uniqlo lays emphasis on comfort while Zara pays attention to the idea of the one and only. Besides this, the prices of this two brands are also in different level. Considering that the preferences of consumers are various and unpredictable, it is impossible for one company to be inclusive to all consumers. (Kotler & Philip 2000) Thus there is little feasibility of complete inclusivity of marketplace. On the other hand, there is no need for manufacturers to cover all consumers since that everyone has his own definition of fashion which determines its preferences. A good brand must has its core competitiveness and recognition. For example, if a brand’s staple aims at consumers with high net w论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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