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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-07编辑:lgg点击率:5578

论文字数:38420论文编号:org201308071512192777语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33



Chapter OneIntroduction

1.1 Background of This Study
英语短语动词,被视作英语词汇的重要组成部分,是不同自由组合动词就其固定的结构,完整的意思,自由搭配使用对象。基于牛津高阶英汉双解英语词典“(2004年:B15),英语短语动词(有时也被称为多字的动词)是指一个动词,由两个或有时三,五千字的第一个字是一个动词,它其次是副词(如掉头向下),或介词(如吃进),或两者兼而有之(例如把)。这些副词或介词有时也被称为颗粒。英语短语动词的动词和粒子构成的数量虽然不是非常大,它们可以产生大量的表情和语义(汪榕培吕晓娟,1997)。 “麦克阿瑟和阿特金斯(1980)CEMEN文提及:”短语动词可能是第一种形式,在讲英语的国家,孩子已经学会了。“这说明生动地揭示了重要和基金英语短语动词。既然是特别频繁的英语,从来没有被忽视的语言学家,其在国内和国外的组合性和多义性的研究上已取得了很大的进展。传统的研究,像那些通过夸克等人(1985),进行结构的方法,强调表面结构和英语短语动词的底层结构。他们的研究给细致的分类英语的短语动词,从语法的角度来看,更注重其形式比强奎语义。有违宇宙观(1971)从语义的角度讨论了英语短语动词。他收缩他的分析到的一组规则和假设可以解释英语短语动词充分使用有限的语法。此外,辛克莱尔(1989)英语常用动词的研究作出自己的贡献。他的研究揭示特征研船短语动词通过着重颗粒。English phrasal verbs, which are viewed as an essential component of Englishvocabulary, are different from free combinations of verbs in respect of its fixed structure,complete meaning and free collocation with objects in usage. Based on Oxford AdvancedLearner s English-Chinese Dictionary (2004: B15), English phrasal verb (sometimescalled multi-word verb) refers to a verb that consists of two, or sometimes three, words.The first word is a verb and it is followed by an adverb (e.g. turn down), or a preposition(e.g. eat into), or both (e.g. put up with). These adverbs or prepositions are sometimescalled particles. Although the number of the verbs and particles that constitute Englishphrasal verb are not very large, they can generate a lot of expressions and semanticmeanings (Wang Rongpei & Lu Xiaojuan, 1997). McArthur and Atkins (1980) oncementioned: "Phrasal verb is probably the first form that children in English-speakingcountries have learned." This description vividly reveals the important and fundamentalstatus of phrasal verbs in English.Since it is particularly frequent in the English language and has never been neglectedby linguists, a great progress has been made on the study of its compositionality andpolysemy both at home and abroad. Traditional studies, like those done by Quirk et al.(1985), are conducted by structural approach and emphasize the surface structure and theunderlying structure of English phrasal verb. Their studies give a detailed classification ofEnglish phrasal verbs from the syntactic perspective and focus more on their form than onthe semantics. Bolinger (1971) discusses English phrasal verbs from the semanticperspective. He constricts his analysis into a set of rules and assumes that English phrasalverbs can be explained adequately with the finite grammar. Besides, Sinclair (1989) makeshis own contribution to the research of English phrasal verbs. His study sheds light on therelationship of phrasal verbs by focusing on the particles.
The cognitive account of English phrasal verbs starts from Lindner (1981), whomakes a detailed analysis of a large number of phrasal verbs including particles up and outwithin the Space Grammar of Langacker. Enlightened by Lindner's research, Morgan(1997) extends the cognitive analysis of English phrasal verbs and reinterprets most ofLindner's examples in a metaphorical way. He concludes that there are four possibilities ofmetaphorical extensions of the verb-particle construction. Besides, Hampe (2000)scrutinizes the phrasal verbs of which the lexical verb is a metonymic or metaphoricalverb. Gries (1997/1999) also investigates the placement of the particle in order to figureout the rules that govern the word-order alternation. All these studies from the cognitiveperspective provide us with a deeper insight and p论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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