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Sustainable Tourism: it is not idealistic-可持续旅游:这不是理想主义 [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-04-15编辑:caribany点击率:15193

论文字数:2787论文编号:org201404141644301136语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Sustainable Tourism可持续旅游业ecological sustainability生态可持续发展economic sustainability



For example, In a number of countries in the Asian and Pacific region, tourism become one of the frontline sectors in the fight against poverty. The tourism industry create a number of development synergies to help overcome poverty through job creation in various regions of countries, including remote rural areas(ESCAP, 2005). This is particularly important since the great majority of people in extreme poverty live in rural areas. Tourism offers labour-intensive and small-scale business opportunities and employs a high proportion of women and unskilled youth. The potential of tourism to create jobs is of paramount importance, since unemployment is the principal social and economic challenge facing many developing countries.

Of course, if tourism is managed badly, it can have a detrimental effect-it can damage fragile environments and destroy local cultures. The challenge is to manage the future growth of the industry so as to minimise its negative impacts on the environment and host communities whilst maximising the benefits it brings in terms of jobs, wealth and support for local culture and industry, and protection of the built and natural environment.

 Effective example for sustainabletourism  可持续旅游的有效案例

The concept of sustainability is broadly based on a definition that includes its economic, financial, social, cultural, ecological and environmental aspects. Consequently, sustainable tourism development should be environmentally sound and socio-culturally acceptable and its long-term economic viability should be ensured.

Over the last 10 years, every country in the world have explored the tourism industry in themselves land. At the same time, the notion of sustainability receives growing attention as more people become aware that we can no longer continue the current consumption rate of our natural resources. This notion of sustainability also reached the tourism industry as this sector, as being the world’s largest industry, how to balance the relaionship between the tourisam and the environmental, socioeconomical, cultural and institutional resources.There are a number of success examples that prove the sustainable tourism is feasible, it is not idealistic.

Now the following is a show of supporting effective examples to demonstrate our view.

4.1 Israelpresents two examples of successful sustainable tourism.

1) Tourism and Biodiversity - Birdwatching

Due to its historical and archeological legacy, Israel has always attracted visitors from the world over. Tourism to Israel has increased from around one million visitors per year in 1980 to approximately 2 million in 2005(Arie et al, 2005). In recent years, birdwatching has become an additional tourist attraction and its great potential is being recognized. Israel’s small land area is characterized by a wide range of physical conditions and by a rich variety of flora and fauna. Its unique geographic location at the junction of three continents, together with the climatic changes that have occurred throughout the history of the region, are largely responsible for the high diversity of species in Israel, including 540 bird species–a remark论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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