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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-03-20编辑:lena ding点击率:16279

论文字数:1862论文编号:org201203201011382816语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:RealismCharles DickensOliver Twist


Realism in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist 


Being one of the most prominent critical realists in the 19th century, Charles Dickens gave us a vivid picture of Victorian times. In Dickens’ whole life, he composed lots of works. His works are characterized by literal attacks on social evils, unfairness, and hypocrisy. In Oliver Twist, Dickens attempted to reveal the cruel, unfair, and corrupt society under the control of the capitalist and aroused the society’s concern to the weak groups, including the children, the women and the old.
There are many definitions of realism. For example,it is a practical understanding and acceptance of the actual nature of the world, rather than an idealized or romantic view of it; or as opposed to nominalism, the doctrine that genera and species are real things or entities, existing independently of our conceptions.


2. Critical realism in Oliver Twist
Critical realism is any doctrine reconciling the real, independent, objective nature of the world with a due appreciation of the mind-dependence of the sensory experiences whereby we know about it. In Victorian times, the broad masses lived under severe conditions. As Dickens put it, the poor chose between “being starved by a gradual process in the house, or by a quick one out of it.” It is the society, the government that should be responsible for it. No one can escape from their unfortunate fate; no one can break away from these continuous sufferings; and no one can flee from these bottomless abysses.


2.1 Criticism of the capitalist society
Oliver Twist was famous for exposing the dark sides of people lived out that time (Lu Jianguo 40). The misfortunes of the characters in Oliver Twist had a deep connection to the society. The corruption and indifference of the society made their people not get rid of their misfortunes. The harder they tried to break away from it, the more cost they should pay. 
    In the Victoria capitalist society, there was a big conflict between the upper class and the lower class. No matter how bad the condition the lower class was in, the upper class didn’t do anything helpful to make it better. The hard life made the poor choose an unlawful way or unmoral way to survive, while in some degree, this provided another means to those oppressors who could never satisfy their own desires. On the other side, the corruption of the upper class made the poor’s life harder. The conflicts between the upper class and the lower class reflected the terrible conditions of the society at that time. It was the society that should take the responsibility of it.  
    Besides, the society should be responsible for the death of its people. The capitalist society contributed to the corruption of the capitalist charity. Dickens gives a truthful presentation of the suffering of the poor and oppressed, and makes a bitter and complete exposure of the terrible conditions on the English workhouse of the time and the brutality and corruption of the oppressors under the mask of philanthropy (胡荟桐 284). In the workhouse, the poor didn't receive the treatment the offices declared before. And the children, either in the baby-farm or in the workhouse, were never treated well. While in the baby-farm, the children could never feed themselves full even one time. The situation in the workhouse was no better than that of the论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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