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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-02-24编辑:vicky点击率:5223

论文字数:41522论文编号:org202102040657132678语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Part 1 Introduction

1.1 The Source of the Topic

In January 2018, the China Internet Network Information Center( CNNIC) issued the41stData Report on the Development Condition of Chinese Internet. According tothis report, by the time of December 2017, the number of Chinese netizen has risento 0.772 billion, the popularization rate of Internet has been 55. 8% which is 4. 1%more than that of the general worldwide level (51.7%). Among them, the number ofphone netizen accounts for 97.5%, reaches to 0.753 billion and keeps increasing.From here we can know that the Internet has been popularized greatly during the pastyears and thus the methods of communication have been broadened. Consequently,the information and news have been transmitted more rapidly and people can learnabout the social issue more conveniently. In this way, the virtual world and the reallife are intertwined together so that the Internet catchwords have become the hottopic in people’s discussion. This can be proved clearly by the Yearly Most PopularInternet Catchwords put forward by some website and media. Besides, with thecatchword “freestyle” was published in People’s Daily in 2017, the Internetcatchwords are paid more social attention and become one important part in people’sdaily life.

“I’m done for! (凉凉了)”, “Shrimp, let’s go!(皮皮虾我们走!)”, “Be OK withanything!(佛系)”...... According to the report issued by Baidu, just in the year of2017 and 2018, there have been 768 new Internet catchwords. Then I realized thatthis was a rather common and special language phenomenon. I was so curious in thisphenomenon that I wanted to know more about it. I collected a mount of informationand found that Internet catchwords have drawn more and more experts and scholars’attention recently. Researches on this area were abundant and their topics mainlyfocused on the following aspects: its language features, transmission mechanism,cultural connotation, pragmatic meaning and its influence on the traditional value.Compared with those areas, researches on English translation of Internet catchwordswere relatively less and scattered, systematic researches were absent. Besides, inview of the examples collected from the papers in CNKI, most of the researches onthe translation area only analyzed one or two classical Internet catchwords, theexamples in those researches were repeated and out of date. So researches whichreflect the newest Internet catchwords are needed eagerly.


1.2 Research Questions and Objectives

The Eco-translatology can be regarded as a kind of linguistic practice of translation,which bears the fundamental purpose of keeping balance between the sourcelanguage and the target language. According to this theory, in order to get the besttranslation, translators should rely on the ecological environment, and makeappropriate choice and transformation through linguistic dimension, culturaldimension and communicative dimension (Hu Gengshen, 2010). Under the guidanceof the theory, this study intends to reach the following objectives:

(1) Expound the concept of Eco-translatology;

(2) Probe into the features of Chinese Internet catchwords;

(3) Propose several 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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