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论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2012-08-25编辑:sally点击率:4154

论文字数:20000论文编号:org201208251221567605语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44





Chapter One Introduction
In this chapter,the background of the study is introduced.Then,the aim of the study is presented.Finally,the significance of the study and the organization of the thesis are introduced.
1.1 Background of the Study
In recent years,the connection of intercultural communicative competence and translation teaching has gained more and more attention from many scholars.Culture used to be introduced as no more than a supplementary diversion to language instruction;however,its significance has been increasingly recognized since the 1950s.As we know,translation involves language as well as culture,so translation teaching should involves cultivation of both linguistic skills and intercultural communication competence.
In the past decades,translation with the emphasis on cultural research has become a hot area.Scholars holding this viewpoint regard translation as“a by-product of the economic,political and cultural communication among different countries and nations,which conversely promotes the development of their communicational relations.Translating the culture of one nation can be shared and referred to other nations.The prosperity and innovation of the national culture is therefore promoted.
This view has been proved by the everyday practice of translation in the process of socialization.The interdependent relationship between language and culture leads to a corollary that translation teaching and culture learning are inherently connected.In other words,translation is not only the transformation of linguistic codes,but also a communication of culture.It is a cultural activity which transforms meaning from one language to another.So translation teaching plays an important role in college English teaching.The translation proficiency of college students can also be regarded as a sign of culture acquisition.
China’s intercultural communication studies started in the late 1980s.When the communication approach was introduced into China in the 1980s,many Chinese scholars have devoted to the field and made a great many valuable researches into the study.The representative of them is Jia Yuxin,who has been making efforts to design the theoretical frame of intercultural communication and trying to establish intercultural communicative study field into an independent adoptive subject since 1987 and his results of study come out as Intercultural Communication(1997).As translation is gradually regarded as an intercultural communication,more and more scholars begin to have researched on translation in an intercultural communicative perspective,for example,Intercultural Communicative Translation(Jin Huikang, 2003),On the Cross-intercultural Awareness of an Interpreter(Zhao Junfeng,2000), On the Translator’s Intercultural Awareness and Cultural Creativity(Tu Guoyuan, Liao Jing,2000).

[1]Alan,M.(1993).Can Translation and Communicative Approaches be Reconciled. [M]Oxford:Oxford Press.
[2]Allen,E.D.,&Valette,R.M.(1977).Classroom Techniques:Foreign Languages and English as a Second language(2nd ed.).[M]New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
[3]Baker,Mona.(2000).In Other Words:A Coursebook on Translation.[M]Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
[4]Baker,Mona.(1998).Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.[M]London and New York:Routeledge论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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