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Thesis 格式

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:作业指导 assignment guidelines登出时间:2010-04-23编辑:vshellyn点击率:7742

论文字数:论文编号:org201004231430365014语种:英语 English地区:瑞典价格:免费论文

关键词:Thesis 格式

The cover
The following information is given on the cover:
-          the words “Graduation Thesis”
-          a short title
-          a subtitle if required
-          the name of the client or the organisation
-          your name and your main subject
-          your student number
-          the place and the date
-          the name:  Stenden University
-          if necessary, a note stating that the report may NOT be placed in the multimedia library.
 The title page Thesis Format
All reports must feature a correct title page so that reports can easily be located in the multimedia library.
The criteria that a correct title page has to meet are as follows:
1.      main title – in capitals
the main title must reflect the content of the report
2.      subtitles (if any) in lower case
3.      type of report (graduation or work placement report)
4.      name of author   
5.      name of study programme and main subject (bottom left of the page)
6.      name and address of the organisation (bottom right of the page)
7.      place and date of publication
8.      names of supervisors, internal and external (not necessary on the title page if mentioned in the foreword or introduction).
9.       The following copyright notification:
“No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or made public by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other means without the prior written permission of Hogeschool Drenthe and the author.”
 The table of contents
This is a separate page containing the foreword, the synopsis and the chapters plus sections with References to the relevant pages.
Only the first page is given for the chapters. If you have used chapters and (sub) sections, use a maximum of three levels. That means: section 3.1 or even 4.2.4 if necessary, but certainly not
Tip: You can use your word processing program to automatically generate the table of contents (including the page references).
 The foreword
The foreword covers matters that do not form part of the subject, such as:
-          the background and context in which the report has been written
-          information about the author
-          words of thanks
-          an indication of the target group for which the report was written.
 The synopsis
Not every reader has enough time to read the whole report. The synopsis must be understandable without reading the report. The synopsis covers the most important points:
-          the reason论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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