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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-03-18编辑:lgg点击率:7726

论文字数:38120论文编号:org201309021247328633语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:Consequently, to enhance Chinese cultural awareness and to foster thecapability of introducing Chinese culture in foreign languages are the primary tasks forstudents as TCFL majors. It is significant to study how their ability of expressingChinese culture in English is and a hope to find out ways to help them improve suchkind of ability.

1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

As we all know English is the most widely used language in the world nowadays for various historical, political and economical reasons. It plays the dominant role in various areas such as international relation, mass media, tourism, education, economyand science. About one fourth of Chinese have been learning English in our country according to the news from The Second International Symposium on Chinese LanguageTeaching in 2006. However, the pedagogical focus is on the grammatical features ofEnglish without regard to its communicative and cultural functions with a view tocreating bilingual yet not necessarily bicultural people. Therefore, the majority ofstudents aren’t able to communicate with foreigners effectively even though they havelearned English for more than ten years.Since the 20th century, especially 1980s, more and more researchers have realizedthe importance of culture in foreign language teaching and learning. Besides, theemphasis of research has been transferred from the exploration of developing solelinguistic skill of students to the cultivation of their intercultural communicativecompetence. Nowadays, qualified young graduates are badly needed in the society, whoshould be capable of good basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, but alsopossess competence of how to use the language appropriately in a real life situation inintercultural communication (IC). This new approach to teaching culture in languages will result in more successful communication between people of different cultures, which is necessary and significant in the context of globalization. Meanwhile, the rapid development of Chinese economy has brought tremendous changes to the Chinese society, with more and more foreigners developing a keen interest in Chinese culture and eagerness to learn Chinese. Teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) has become a new means of employment. However, some new problems have also emerged such as shortage of professionals who can teach Chinese as a foreign language, and the inexperience of teaching staff in Chinese language teaching in cross cultural communication.


The majors of teaching Chinese as a foreign language are expected to be trained asteachers who have a deep grounding in Chinese language and culture as well asexpertise in English or talents who will be engaged in cultural communication jobs inkinds of schools, presses, cultural management, and enterprises at home and abroad in the future. However, in college English teaching, teachers and students in TCFL focuson learning the culture of English-speaking countries. To some extent, they ignoreChinese culture teaching, which will involve them in great difficulty in their future work.Expressing the native culture in English is an essential capability of spreading the nativeculture, but also an important part of intercultural communication ability, lack of whichwould hinder the success of intercultural communication. Meanwhile, it is known thatEnglish has become an international language. Therefore, explaining论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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