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论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:英语 写作专业
论文用于:BA assignment 本科课程作业


A wedding is to keep two people who fell in love with each other in a ceremony , and prove their enduring love. It usually carry happiness to the people left good memories . There are many little-known story about the rare earth wedding . In different nations , weddings countries has shown its special culture and customs . Different wedding dress, banquet and customs show all the time and the country 's own specific characteristics . There are some differences in wedding customs similarities between China and the United States .

1 . Compare the color on the wedding

We can use two colors to describe the Chinese and American Wedding : Red and white.

INCHINA, red is considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Thus , red is the main color of the wedding day , the red word "happy" everywhere, walls , doors, and a variety of items. The traditional wedding dress of the bride is red , and who wore a red jacket on this day by her own mother , the bride will be considered to carry the mother's blessing and the whole life of hope . In addition , candles , peanuts, eggs and red used in the wedding day will be decorated in red packets , symbolizing the couple's happiness.

Although inAmerica, they are also very focused on the choice of colors . There is a popular saying about the wedding symbolism of different colors . And the general meaning is: a white wedding so that everything goes well, blue wedding groom prove correct , a brown wedding is expected to live in the town , green wedding makes you ashamed to see people , a red wedding to give yourself a death curse , a yellow wedding means a wrong groom , and a black should be canceled as soon as the wedding . They usually choose white for the best. Thus , white flowers dot the bridal chamber and church , showing considerable atmosphere. The wedding dress of the bride is white , thought to be a pure representative.

2 . Wedding on a relatively sound

INCHINA, wedding day , noier better, because they believe that more noise means more and more new people desire. So , on this day, the day set off firecrackers . Although inAmerica, 3 month church wedding is played soft, quiet , and when the music is playing , the whole church quiet. The whole wedding is in a quiet , peaceful mood hold because the United States believes that only in a quiet crescent newcomers will receive God 's blessing.

3 . Wedding comparative form

There are also differences in the form of a wedding between Chinese and Americans . In our country , no matter how newcomers to meet the wedding should be held by a matchmaker , showing legally married bride and groom . More importantly , the game is a manufacturer who must live with three generations under one roof , and had a son , which indicates that he论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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