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从文化角度比较中英婚礼礼服的差异 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-05-07编辑:cinq点击率:16806

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201405061652097314语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Chinese wedding dressesU K wedding dressescultural difference


bvious, and Chinese are fastidious about self-respect, implicitly and the doctrine of the mean, our clothing is a straight overall with wide coat and fat sleeves, which emphasizes plane design. Men's wear is a one-piece robe while women's wear is a short Chinese-style jacket and a long skirt. The western style is determined by the western aesthetic thought of pragmatism and nationalism and the white race's body structure. Their body curve is pretty sharp. Stressing scientific nature, the western clothing is in keeping with the law of motion. Its semi-stereoscopic designed with muffs, puckers, etc. Besides, it advocates individuality and physical beauty. Various kinds of designs sharply revealed the body line. Men wear a suit of coat and trousers while women wear a one-piece dress. In a word, Chinese costume culture is a "covering" one while the western one is a "revealing" one.
3. Picture
Chinese dress pattern style has experienced three different stages of development, from the Shang and Zhou prior to the Qin and Han Dynasties, Chinese dress pattern was more abstract, summary, color is relatively monotonous, with the then textile technology level, drawing skill is low, foreign relation is not close has the very big relations. Qin Han period, along with foreign exchange close, start changing pattern style, dress pattern is neat, layout strict, bones used on the uniform, symmetrical form is more and more widespread, the fabric is also becoming more and more beautiful. During the southern and Northern Dynasties, national exchanges have become increasingly frequent, pattern appeared beyond the style of the western region characteristic patterns, such as the grape clusters, the lion patterns, volume grass grain and lotus pattern etc.. This specification, the neat features in the Tang and Song Dynasties, particularly prominent. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, pictorial style became more and more realistic, the image depicts is exquisite, true to life likeness, seems to be the real life directly using various materials. And love with auspicious patterns, such as the bat + cloud (meaning) of blessing from the cloud, magpie + plum (moral) = look very happy, lotus and carp (meaning) of surplus year after year, goldfish and Begonia (meaning) of tea.

III. The Differences of the Wedding Dresses in China and U.K.

A. The Social Function of the Clothing
In traditional Chinese wedding, the bride wares red embroidered shoes with the pattern of flowers or birds. The dress is a red bride array, which is exclusive embroidery in gold and sliver thread and dragon and phoenix. When they are in the childhood, girls begin to sew their wedding gowns and wedding shoes in order to wear them on the wedding day. A piece of red veil is part of bride's costume, which covers the bride's face. As to the bridegroom, his costume is a black silk coat over an embroidered dragon robe in dark blue. The headgear is a black hat with red tassels and a big red flower made of cloth before his chest.
In English wedding, the bride wears white wedding dress, a white garland and a piece of white veil on her head. Sometimes, the bride uses blue cloth to decorate the wedding dress. And the bride needs something old such as her mother's jewelry, something new like a gift from friend, something borrowed like some slivers borrowed from a rich relative, and something blue like a blu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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