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从文化角度比较中英婚礼礼服的差异 [6]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-05-07编辑:cinq点击率:16805

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201405061652097314语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Chinese wedding dressesU K wedding dressescultural difference


civilizations. As for silk, although ancient Rome has touched silk from Far East through Silk Road in 138 BC, they were never able to understand the mysteries of this beautiful fabric. Lately, they known the secrets of silk from two missionaries send to China by the Byzantine Empire. Then one century later, the first silk is produced in Byzantine Empire, but Europeans produced first silk until the Italian Renaissance in 13-14 century. In a word, Chinese clothing prefers silk, cotton, linen and co-hemp while the western one tends to use flax, wool, cotton and velvet. The silk is one of the contributions China has made to the world. "We westerners have received too much from the Chinese." 5 The former adopts basting, hand needle and patch while the latter pays more attention to adapting to clothing's 8 function in sewing craft.C .Function of the Dress
The first use of clothing is to resist the cold and cover the body. Functions of clothing include providing the human body protection against extremes of climate (extreme heat, icy winters, and drenching storms) and protection against insects, noxious, chemicals, and contact with abrasive substances. In sum, clothing protects human beings against anything that might injure the naked, unprotected human body.
D. Dress Concept
There are obvious differences on dress concepts between Chinese and Western people. Influenced by Confucian thought and Ethical Function, Chinese people have always maintained an eastern style conservative. Skin is closely covered and concealed. To some extent, Chinese clothing culture is a kind of "cover" culture. People should not "reveal" body shape and even skin. A large space is maintained between clothing and the body. This kept clothing relative stable in change on form, but to develop more surface decoration, patterns, colors, material textures and decoration styles. These developments have always kept Chinese clothing in strict form, except for some Men's clothing (such as "Bamboo Seven" in Wei and Jin Dynasties). It is different in western culture, except for a period when people are influenced by the Christianity. Denied the existence of human and human body's performance, Western clothing was used to present body shape in a very realistic and even exaggerated way. This is reflected both in ancient "loose clothing" culture and "close-fitting clothing" culture since the Renaissance. Clothing has been used to "stand out" and even "intensify" different sex characteristics between male and female, and skin were more and more exposed (especially for women's clothing). They have also found some methods to "further expose" skin. This brought many profile changes 16 and man-made structure to Western clothing. In traditional Chinese society and family education, the code of conduct of clothing is regarded as an important content of cultivate one's moral character and influences Chinese clothing life for a long time. In order to achieve the Confucian moral requirement, people pay attention to ethics contents in dressing, cover up the human body with clothing and beyond the limitations of human body. Dress beauty pays attention to show personal spirit, temperament and verve, which does not emphasize form. Even though form is very beautiful, clothing wouldn't have to reveal its beauty, it is endowed with human body outside of a spiritual implication with all sort论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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