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美国组织行为学论文:Impact of Informal Organization on Modern Enterprise Management

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2013-07-15编辑:tinkle点击率:4756

论文字数:1008论文编号:org201307141659035683语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:美国组织行为学论文美国论文Modern Enterprise Management

摘要:美国组织行为学论文:Impact of Informal Organization on Modern Enterprise Management组织行为学和方法论的研究(包括材料从Luthans文本1章),以及总结一个组织行为专题研究。

论文题目:美国组织行为学论文:Impact of Informal Organization on Modern Enterprise Management
补充要求和说明:Write a five-page,double spaced ungraded paper on the history of the Institutional Review Board, research and methodology in Organizational Behavior (incorporating materials from Ch. 1 of Luthans’ text), and a summary of current research for one organizational behavior topic. Organizational Behavior Fred Luthans 12th edition

美国组织行为学论文:Impact of Informal Organization on Modern Enterprise Management

1. History of the Institutional Review Board

Institutional Review Board (IRB) is defined as an organization that is composed of multidisciplinary staffs and is set up in medical institutions and medical research institutions to carry outwhether the whole process of selecting topic, developing, completing and the results are published on medical researches is in line with the human ethics and law review.


Historically, the biomedical research involving human beings often did violate the human rights and harm to subjects, especially when these studies were www.51lunwen.org/zuzhixingweixue/ combined with commerce and market. Therefore, the self-discipline of scientists cannot ensure the protection of subjects.In 1900, the Prussian government for the first time set publicly the guiding principles for human trials to ensure the ethical test from the government level. Since the war, however, there were still many adverse events in human trials in some countries.These facts indicated that the empty legal provisions cannot guarantee the safety of a community and cannot avoid the human body being infringed. Consequently, except for calling attention to follow the rules, the supervision of researchers and research institutions is very important. At present, in accordance with international practice, any biomedical research involving human clinical studies such as the study of disease pathophysiology, pharmaceutical, biological products, medical equipment, medical imaging, clinical research of surgical techniques, medical records and identifiable biological and medical specimens and use of information and psychological research, etc. in the field of international cooperation research must be accepted the special ethical examination.This point has been ruled in the Declaration of Helsinki and the Relates to the International Ethical guidelines for Biomedical Research and more other international standards and files in detail. The specialized institution in charge of ethical review is mainly Institution Review Board (IRB).

2. Research and Methodology in Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior isa science studying the psychological activities and behavior reaction regularity when people are engaged in the workin the organizationas well asthe interactionwith the environment.

Organizational behavior mainly applies the system analysis method to study the ability of the prediction of human behavior, guiding and control with some knowledge of the subjects such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, physiology, ethics and political science, etc., in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiat论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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