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学习者用母语在第二外语教学中的思考方式 [33]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2016-01-11编辑:carrie2点击率:32666

论文字数:14566论文编号:org201601071428598424语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



tongue, in their instruction with the purpose of improving learners' proficiency. In addition, mother tongue is truly a very rich source of linguistic knowledge with which any L2 learner is already equipped, and it does not seem reasonable to divest our learners from using this recourse at the expense of exercising an English-only atmosphere in our classrooms.

Therefore, it can be suggested that teachers be familiarized with advantages of using learners' mother tongue in ESL classrooms and they should be reasonably given enough flexibility to use this resource constructively. In particular, language teachers can use the Malay language, i.e. using translation from English to Malay language, as a communicative task to promote their learners' linguistic accuracy. Therefore, it seems reasonable to allocate some time to the training of teachers in this regard.


5.4.2 Implications for Materials Development

One of the challenges and responsibilities of materials developers has always been to design grammar sections for the books. There are a variety of methods for presenting grammar; however, materials developers can also make use of the findings of this research and design sections of grammar in which the learners have to translate sentences from L1 to L2 with the newly learned structures in English. This activity can be introduced to be done as a task and learners can also do it collaboratively and in groups. Therefore, it is recommended that materials developers include exercises and activities in their materials which require the learners to translate texts from Malay language to English using accurate grammatical sentences.


5.5 Recommendation

Based on the research that has been done, it was clear enough that Malay language worked as an important medium to facilitate the students who learning the English language. Because of that, teacher can use the Malay language while conducting the English lesson in the classroom. The data that have been collected by the researcher had shown us about the important of using the Malay language especially in the rural area. The prohibition of using L1 to the students can't maximize their interest in learning the English language instead it will lead to the decreasing of their interest in learning the language.

Teacher need to motivate the students and using the code switching in the classroom is one of the strategies. This will make the students feel comfortable and provoke them to learn more about the target language. Besides, the future researcher need to continue this effort and provide more evidence to the future teacher and also to public out there about the importance of using the Malay language in ESL classroom at the rural school setting. This will help to improve the previous research data and information that have been done before.


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