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We work with the child to establish a good teacher-student relationship, we must go to operate it , said business seems too commercial , in fact, that we have to heart, soul to sustain it .


The establishment of a good teacher-student relationship can not be achieved , it requires sustained efforts teacher . In this process, we want to avoid committing "hot and cold " disease, often with the children to keep a close , let the children feel the teacher's cordial , produce safe, warm feeling. And do not lose the trust of the child . In the teacher-student relationship , we have to maintain mutual trust , once you promised child would make every effort to follow the above , and be thought a success. If there are some unexpected one o'clock can not be cashed , it should explain the child , the only way the child will not stay away from you .


We should actively explore and innovate methods skills in this layer relationship between teachers constantly adding " element" , making our teacher-student relationship constantly insulation, heating up . For example, in harmony with the children from time to time to add some humor , humor is a good student relationship lubricant , it can narrow the psychological distance between teachers and students , active atmosphere ; has many activities such as teaching , it is the teacher-student relationship another reinforcement an approach can not be ignored , is the only way to optimize a good teacher-student relationship and adaptation measures . Activity teaching activities with respect to primary Education , said the purpose is not very specific, planned , organized less careful , this weakened the educational activities are traces rich in educational content , in close interaction with the children , the teachers and children closer to it. Like my school a variety of parent-child group activities, weekend teachers and parents , the children went to the park outing, the children went to the house to make dumplings , and go and pick the manor , etc., very good to promote the friendship between teachers and children , sublimation the teacher-student relationship .

总之,良好的师生关系是优良教风和学风的重要内容。良好的教风和学风具体表现杂教育过程中的各个环节和各个方面。老师根据学生实际认真备课,采取灵活有效的教学方法,对学生既满腔热情又严格要求的优良教风;学生认真听课、按时完成作业、 刻苦学习、 勤于思考、 虚心求教的优良学风,都有赖于良好师生关系的形成。可见,没有良好的师生关系,就没有良好的教风和学风。

In summary, at all times , to establish a good teacher-student relationship is an excellent teaching style and the style of study of the important content. Good teaching style and the style of study specific performance hybrid process of education in all aspects and aspects . Teacher on the students prepare lessons seriously , take a flexible and effective teaching methods, students not only enthusiastic and demanding excellent teaching style ; student seriously lectures , complete assignments on time , study hard, diligent in thinking , and to ask the fine style of study, have to depend on in the formation of a good teacher-student rela论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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