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论文作者:肖洁论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-09编辑:anne点击率:3506

论文字数:39542论文编号:org201307091335581111语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33

关键词:任务型教学法高中英语写作教学应用研究task-based teachingEnglish writing in senior high schoolApplication study



    本论文主要是以Willis, Skehan, Nunan等人关于任务型写作教学的研究为理论基础,尝试将任务型教学运用到高中英语写作教学中并探索其实施的可行性及其效果:C1)高中英语教学任务型教学法的运用是否可以有效地提高学生的英语写作水平?C2)任务型教学法的运用能否增强学生的写作动机?(3)任务型教学法的运用是否有助于学生养成良好的写作习惯?本次试验是在湖南省株洲市南方中学高一年级的两个平行班进行的,实验的时间是一个学期。其中,一个班进行传统的写作教学,另一个班则是采用任务型写作教学。在整个实验的过程中,通过两次的问卷调查来了解学生在接受不同的写作教学方法之后的对英语写作的态度和学习的效果。同时还通过前测和后测所得到的成绩来进行数据分析,得到了实验的最终结果。实验结果表明,通过任务型教学法在英语写作中运用,我们能够很明显地提高学生的英语表达能力和语言的组织能力,并且还能有效地提高学生对于英语写作的积极性和兴趣。   


Language is the most important tool of human for thinking and communicationand is also an important condition to participate in the social activities. In theglobalized society of economy, foreign language has become one of the essential andbasic qualities of the citizens around the world. English as an international language, isan increasingly important role of media in the world of exchange and communication.At  present, all sectors of society require a lot of people who can use the writtenEnglish to communicate. Therefore, it is a major task of our English language teachingto  teach students  how  to  use  written  English correctly  and  how  to  solve  thecommunicative tasks in our life and work. So the teaching of English writing is moreand more concerned by the practitioners of English teaching. In China, although manyscholars and English teachers have tried their best to make the researches on Englishwriting, but the rusult is little. There are rare reserches which is about how to carry outtask-based teaching of English writing through the theoretical basis of task-basedteaching and the framework of the implementation.    This thesis is based on the researches about task-based teaching of writing whichis done by Wilfis, Skehan and Nunan. It tries to apply task-based teaching approach inEnglish writing of high school and explore the fesibility and effectiveness of itsimplementation: (1)Can the application of task-based teaching approach improvestudents' English writing skills effectively? (2) Can the application of task-basedteaching approach enhance students' writing motivation? (3) Can the application oftask-based teaching approach help students develop good writing habits? This test iscarried out in two parallel classes of southern high school in Zhuzhou City. Theexperiment were performed in a semester. In this experiment, one class adoptedtraditional teaching of writing, and another class adopted task-based teaching ofwriting. In the whole experimental process, I try to understand the attitude towardsstudies and the effect after students' acceptions of various forms of writing teaching through the two questionaires. Meanwhile, I got the final results of the experimentthrough the data analysis of the results of pre-test and post-test. The experimentalresults show that we can clearly improve students' language skills of expressing andorganizing language through the application of task-based teaching of writing in highscho论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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