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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-09-11编辑:lgg点击率:6367

论文字数:39658论文编号:org201709041900483673语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



1. Introduction 

1.1 Background of the Research 
As is known to us, English has been one of the m ost important courses to st udents in China. Currently students’ English autonomous learning is especially emphasized in our country’s curriculum reform, how to learn autonomously, and how to be ef fective in the process of English teaching are very important. At the same time, the New Curriculum Standard of Our Country for Senior High School  English teaching requires that stre ngthening  the cultivation of the students’ autonomous learning ability, and cultivating their lifelong learning ability are the important thoughts to guide English curriculum reform. So cultivating students’ English autonomous learning  ability is very im portant,  but currently  in high school English  classes in China, traditional cramming educational mode makes students cannot study independently, which also bring very great obstacles of English-teaching work. It makes teachers and students in an unbalanced relation, this relationship is reflected in: firstly, the teacher is still the controller in the  process of teaching; students are passive  blindly accepting  teacher’s  instructions  and infusion, particularly with regard to English language knowledge teaching. Basically there is no  chance to publish their own views and opini ons  for students. Secondly ,  high school English courses are arranged closely , students need to receive a lot of knowledge. So we should  concentrate on students’  learning aut onomy  more.  Furthermore  some  high s chool students still stay old learning methods and learning habits of their junior middle school stage. They still follow teachers’ step and passively receive and u nderstand what teachers teach. They do not make their science learning plans according to their own characteristics. They do not have further understanding and control for their own learning situation, and they do not correct deficiency in study in time and there is nearly no reflection to study methods and so on, which make them feel difficult in the process of English learning. Furthermore students in different nations and regions behave differently in their English autonomous learning. So to improve students’ English autonomous learning ab ility is important and dif ficult, therefore many researchers and teachers h ave tried to s earch for different ways to help students to improve  their English autonom ous  learning  ability.  Thus we can learn that, cultivating students’  autonomous  learning  ability is an  important training objective of high school English course. And it is very helpful for students’ lifelong development and learning.    

1.2 Significance of the Research 
Firstly,  with the continuous  development  of the T imes,  English teaching activities gradually focus on the concept of “student-cen tered, teachers-led”, so autonomous learning ability is very important for students’ development and lifelong learning. Secondly, the study of students’ English autonomous learning ability has been wide and deep, but the contrastive researches of Uygur and Han high school students towards of Xinjiang English autonomous learning ability are few. So this paper can  provide a Reference to relevant researche论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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