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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-09-11编辑:lgg点击率:6469

论文字数:38956论文编号:org201709041907124828语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



1. Introduction

The role of native language in foreign language teaching and learning is always acontroversy question. Many linguists made a lot of researches and comments on therelationship between them. And the effects of language transfer have been reassessed manytimes. In the 1980s, the third language acquisition rose as a new research field. The thirdlanguage was extended out with development of the second language acquisition research,especially based on the language transfer theories. With the development of the society, moreand more people speak three or more languages. Meanwhile, many linguists got interested inthe research of third language acquisition. Some linguists studied third language acquisition,theoretical backgrounds, universal grammar and other aspects which are related to languageacquisition. The other linguists researched similarities and differences between L2 and L3.In recent years, Many studies have concerned the role or the influence of Chinese inEnglish (L3), some researchers have done some investigations on trilingual education, someof them have introduced theories abroad or have recommended some theoretical explorationsby themselves, but fewer studies deal with the influence of Kazakh language used byKazakh students. However, some studies at home have researched the native language transferin the minority areas refer to the influence in third language acquisition. For minorities, thetransfer not only from their native language, but also Chinese. There is no universal truth canbe employed directly to all these different minority groups. The present study follows thistrend to explore the Kazakh bilingual students’ English learning in Xinjiang.

1.1 English teaching for Kazakh senior students in Xinjiang
With 53 ethnic groups and diversified languages, Xinjiang has its own uniquemulti-cultural feature. Xinjiang ethnic minority students live in a special environment, thesituation of English learning is also different. Kazakh bilingual students are a new group thathas appeared after spread of bilingual education. Kazakh bilingual students have their ownlanguage and letters. They learn Kazakh as well as Chinese when they are in elementaryschool. To master Chinese skillfully is the prior goal for school that carries bilingualeducation. With the improvement in educational conditions in ethnic minority areas. The needof foreign language talents is steadily on the increase in Minority region. English as aninternational language has been highly valued by the local educational organization; Englishteaching has gradually spread in minority areas. The bilingual education has graduallychanged into trilingual education in minority areas. English as an international language is more and more popular with Kazakh learners in Xinjiang. Since setting up English course inminority region, English classroom has been deeply involved with trilingual teaching.Minority students have to study a foreign language (L3, usually English) besides nativelanguage(L1)and Chinese(L2). The sequence is native language (L1), Chinese(L2)andEnglish (L3).

1.2 Significance of the research
With globalization of economy and western development, mandarin and minoritylanguages have been spoken by Kazakh people. They may have two languages Kazakh andChinese as their native language and second language, thus their language background is more complex and English learning is more likely 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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