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国际旅游与酒店系统组织系统分析-International Tourism and Hotel Systems Organisation Systems Analysis

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-03-10编辑:cinq点击率:5355

论文字数:1000论文编号:org201403091618257600语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Hotel ManagementInternational TourismHospitality Management

摘要:Budget hotels like Commodore hotel, its biggest feature is the cheap price and effective service. The service model is "b & b" (bed + breakfast) (Juan Gabriel Brida, Laura Parte Esteban, Wiston Adrian Risso, & Maria Jesus Such Devesa, 2010).

国际旅游与酒店系统组织系统分析-International Tourism and Hotel Systems Organisation Systems Analysis


Budget hotels like Commodore hotel, its biggest feature is the cheap price and effective service. The service model is "b & b" (bed + breakfast) (Juan Gabriel Brida, Laura Parte Esteban, Wiston Adrian Risso, & Maria Jesus Such Devesa, 2010). This kind of hotel first appeared in the last fifty century in the United States and now is already become the mature form in the United States and Europe. The Commodore hotel is located in Lancaster Gate of London, which is near the Gueen’s Garden and Hyde Park. It has 79 rooms, a restaurant, a typical English pub serving snacks 24 hours and undercover pay parking. Moreover, it has 8 meeting rooms seating up to 1,200 persons. Wireless Internet access available for guests on business stays. Although Commodore hotel is small, it can provide convenient, high effective and cheap service for tourists.
At first, this essay will introduce the details of the budget hotel in Commodore hotel. Following this, it will explain the type of system for Commodore hotel based on literature review. Next, it will explain the strength and weakness of this team structure. And finally, a system employment opportunity will be provided.
Team structure
Nowadays, many organizations in the tourism and hotel industries operate in a global, competitive and culturally diverse environment. There are various systems of these organizations, such as pre-bureaucratic structure, bureaucratic structure, functional structure, divisional structure, matrix structure and teams (Liping Cai 2004). Budget hotels like Commodore hotel chooses to implement team of system structure. It has competitive advantage in price and effectiveness for customers. In recent years, many people choose budget hotels. In this essay, it will explain team structure of Commodore hotel as an example.
This Commodore hotel stands for a system--team structure. Team structure refers to business operations, the proportion and the relationship need to achieve objectives of the organization, team structure is a loose group however it can finish the different tasks. Enterprise management, as an organic system, has the various mutual goals and tasks, which is not the isolated and simple relationships during the process of development for company. These goals and tasks play different roles at different development levels. In this way, the goals and tasks decide the roles of staffs in Commodore hotel. Therefore, the team management and various organic systems are called team structure. In this structure, each team member should be responsible for the team performance according to its management goals and tasks.
Strength and weakness of functional system
Team structure's advantage in Commodore hotel lies in its flexibility in encouragement of professional division of each department. Therefore, it can achieve emergency in convenient way. At the same time, the team mission will be very stable and seldom to change in this kind of structure, which is helpful for team members in completing their jobs in time. It can solve the problem of low efficiency and reduce information transmission (Denney G. Rutherford & Michael J. O’Fallon 2007). The management of team system is professional. It can motivate team论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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