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论文作者:jessica论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-01-26编辑:jessica点击率:11969

论文字数:6400论文编号:org201501202036022671语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文




该项研究是Gursoy和Swanger研究的反响的一部分,提供了在服务业工作地人员所认为服务行业里科目重要性的排名。另外,通过2004年与酒店学科领域目前排名比较 ,酒店业的不断变化的需求更加突出。有结果表明,领导,实习/行业经验,及为行业员工的准备排名前3,此结果也表明,和2004年的结果相比,道德,管理和营销相关的学科领域并不被认为是有显著重要性的。在另一方面,金融相关的学科领域已经在工作场所拥有了重要性。因此,在此基础上研究的结果有可能改变2004年的课程模式。



Changes In Industrys Expectations From Hospitality Schools Tourism Essay

This study, in part a replication of Gursoy and Swanger’s (2004) study, provides an updated ranking of the hospitality subject areas that industry practitioners deem important in the hospitality workplace. In addition, the changing needs of the hospitality industry are highlighted through a comparison of their 2004 ranking with the current ranking of hospitality subject areas. Findings show that Leadership, Internships/industry Experience, and Preparation for Industry Employment, ranks in the top 3. Results also show that Ethics, Management and Marketing related subject areas are significantly deemed less important now compared to the 2004 results. On the other hand, finance related subject areas have gained importance in the workplace. As such, likely changes to the 2004 curriculum model are suggested based on the findings of this study.


The hospitality industry is experiencing growth even in times of recession. Between 2004 and 2014, the hospitality industry is expected to add 17 percent in wage and salary employment (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2006-07). A growing demand for hospitality workers can be translated into a growing need of hospitality Educational programs to adequately prepare the workforce to meet present and future demands of the industry. Programs need to provide an education that improves the employability of the hospitality graduates. However, employability of the future graduates will not increase until and unless they convincingly demonstrate the skills and competencies required in the workplace. In an education program, students develop skills and competencies through courses in various subject areas. In that aspect, the hospitality curriculum needs to prioritize the subject areas according to the perceived importance of the industry practitioners, and this prioritization has to be up-to-date to reflect the ever changing needs of the industry.

Although curriculum of hospitality and tourism programs have been examined in a plethora of research studies, little attention is given to hospitality programs housed in accredited colleges of business. Because of the limitations obligated by the accrediting bodies, important aspects of the curriculum such as course offerings, and credits become restricted to certain extent. As a result, there is a need to evaluate the curriculum of such programs separately from other hospitality and tourism management programs such as the independent ones and those housed in various different colleges.

Gursoy and Swanger (2004) investigated the curriculum of a hospitality and tourism management program housed in an accredited college of business. As part of their study, they ranked hospitality subject areas according to the perception论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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