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英格兰组织行为学硕士课程作业:IMC practice for Budweiser-百威啤酒IMC实践

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-01-23编辑:anne点击率:4188

论文字数:3898论文编号:org201301231339312209语种:英语 English地区:英格兰价格:$ 22

关键词:英格兰组织行为学硕士课程作业IMC practiceBudweiser-百威啤酒IMC实践

摘要:This report analyses marketing communications activities of the Budweiser beer of Anheuser-Busch InBev.


      百威啤酒是由其较短的形式是芽含量4.8%的酒精浓度美式风格的啤酒,生产由比利时 - 巴西啤酒企业集团安海斯 - 布希英博出产的,在1876年由阿道夫布希介绍,在美国最畅销的啤酒之一。自1957年以来,芽一直是销量最大的啤酒品牌,并享有“啤酒之王”的美誉。英格兰组织行为学课程作业它是由具有高达30%的大米除了啤酒花和大麦麦芽。分布在世界各地的各种酿酒厂生产的百威啤酒。这是一个过滤的啤酒草案和包装形式。   

1.0 Introduction

Budweiser, whose shorter form is Bud, is a 4.8% abv American-style lager produced by the Belgian-Brazilian beer conglomerate Anheuser–Busch InBev, introduced in 1876 by Adolphus Busch and one of the highest selling beers in the United States. Since 1957, bud has been the biggest selling beer brand and enjoyed “the King of Beer” reputation. It is made with up to 30% rice in addition to hops and barley malt. Budweiser is produced in various breweries located around the world. It is a filtered beer available in draught and packaged forms.

Budweiser has so far been occupied at least 50% market share in United States because of its unique fermentation technology and strict process control, while in China it possessed 11% market share in 2010 and 40% share in the high-end beer market in the first half year of 2012.

2.0 Introduction to Marketing Communications
2.1 Introduction to Marketing Communication mix
2.2 Marketing Communication tools
2.2.1 Personal Selling
2.2.2 advertising
2.2.3 Sales Promotion
2.2.4 Direct Marketing
2.2.5 Public Relations
3.0 Budweiser beer
3.1 The message & target market
3.2 Marketing communication tools
3.2.1 Advertising practice
3.2.2 PR practice (sponsorship)
3.3 Comparison of MC in China and US
4.0 Integrated Marketing Communication
4.1 Definition of IMC
4.2 Evaluation of level IMC for Budweiser
4.3 Key challenges or barriers for Budweiser
5.0 Budweiser for a summer 2012 campaign
5.1 Message & Marketing communications objectives
5.2 Target Market and justification for their selection
5.3 Marketing Communications Tools
5.3.1 Advertising
5.3.2 Sales Promotion
5.4 Cost Budgeting
5.5 Integration
Appendix A:
Appendix B:


Ackerberg, Daniel (2003), Advertising, Learning and Consumer Choice in Experience Good Markets: An Empirical Examination, International Economic Review, 44, pp. 1007-1040.

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Don E. Schultz and Philip J. Kitchen (2000) .Communication Globally: An Integrated Marketing Approach. Chicago: NTC Books.

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Foster, T. (1998). Industrial marketing communication: an empirical investigation on the use of marketing co论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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