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151. a method of fast aircraft flutter analysis using msc.nastran dmap[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • A Method of Fast Aircraft Flutter Analysis Using MSC.NASTRAN DMAP Abstract Flutter evaluation of an aircraft is an essential part of its design procedure. Usually, there are two steps for calculating aircraft flutter speed. The first step is simulating the dynamic properties of aircraft and/wit
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2403     论文属性:短文 essay

152. smoothing and differentiation of thermogravimetric data[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Smoothing and Differentiation of Thermogravimetric Data (State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, USTC, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, People ’s Republic of China) Abstract: High quality data smoothing is frequently required in the thermal analysis. In this paper, three smoothing methods are used to obta
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:1996     论文属性:短文 essay

153. semantic interoperability: a metadata mediator approach[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Semantic Interoperability: A Metadata Mediator Approach Abstract In this paper, we present a metadata mediation approach to intelligent integration of semantically heterogeneous geographical information (GI). Based on formalized metadata and expert system technology, the system can understand met
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2530     论文属性:短文 essay

154. perspectives on gis development in china[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Perspectives on GIS Development in China    Researches and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in China started in the early 1980s. In the early period, the development of GIS was mainly depended on the progress and applications of remote sensing, aerial photography, as well as c
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2200     论文属性:短文 essay

155. 陈氏混沌系统的脉冲控制及其在保密通信中的应用(英文版,附开题报告,任务书等..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • 摘要 本文叙述了脉冲控制混沌系统稳定的基本原理,并将原理应用于推导陈氏混沌系统在时间间隔不等的脉冲控制下的渐进稳定的条件。本文还给出了脉冲控制的最大时间间隔,还进行两个数值实验模拟, 一个是强脉冲控制,另一个是弱脉冲控制。 本文还叙述了陈氏混沌系统脉冲控制同步的原理。文章首先证明脉冲控制同步的模型是一个脉冲控制稳定的模型,然后给出保证脉冲控制陈氏混沌系统同步的原理。为说明本文的原理,文章给出两个实验例子。 脉冲控制陈氏系统同步的一个应用是混沌保密通信。本文提出一个全新的混沌保密通信的加密和解密方案。非线性函数应用于信号的处理。包含陈氏混沌系统的三个状态变量的非线性函数增加了方案
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2693     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

156. an investigation into mixer in radio communications systems[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • An investigation into mixer in radio communications systems ABSTRACT Software radio is one of the hotspots in radio communication and military research. Due to the processing speed of A/D/A conversion and DSP processor, software radio often adopts inter-specific schemes based on digital con
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:5858     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

157. the characteristic of chirped fiber bragg grating on dispersion compen..[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • The characteristic of chirped fiber Bragg grating on dispersion compensation Summary-In the fiber communication system, three main elements influencing the fiber communication development to high-speed are fiber loss, non-linearity and dispersion. Since EDFA and Raman fiber amplifier were used,
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2428     论文属性:短文 essay

158. a relialble approach to compute the forward kinematics of robot with u..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • A Relialble Approach to Compute the Forward Kinematics of Robot with Uncertain Geometric Parameters ABSTRACT:Uncertainties widely exist in engineering structural analysis and mechanical equipment designs, and they cannot always be neglected. The probabilistic method, the fuzzy method and the inter
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2867     论文属性:课程作业 Coursework

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