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76. telephones [内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • TELEPHONES About 100 years ago, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone by accident with his assistant Mr. Watson. Over many years, the modern version of the telephone makes the one that Bell invented look like a piece of junk. Developments in tone dialing, call tracing, musi
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:4041     论文属性:短文 essay

77. a decision matrix for choosing the proper visualization technique in k..[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • A DECISION MATRIX FOR CHOOSING THE PROPER VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE IN KNOWLEDGE VISUALIZATIONMichael Zeiller, Karl EdlingerUniversity of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Information Technology and Information ManagementCampus 1, 7000 EisenstadtAustriaABSTRACTKnowledge workers
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78. biological exam[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • the ultimate source of energy flowing into nearly all ecosystem is: A. wind B sunlight C electricity D.geothermal vents E. radioactivityA consumer eating a producer represents :A a transfer of chemical nutrients and energy B a transfer of chemical nutrients but not a transfer of energy C. a tra
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79. library resources[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • How to find Library ResourcesMacquarieUniversityFinding books on Macquarie University’s CatalogueUsing databases to find journal articlesWhat is Journal Finder?Where do I find readings for my unit?Where can I go for more help?A. Finding Books on Macquarie Universi
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80. self-diffusion of colloidal particles at soft (liquid/liquid) interfac..[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Self-diffusion of Colloidal Particles at Soft(Liquid/Liquid) InterfacesbyPENG YuanA Thesis Submitted toThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technologyin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of Master of Philosophyin Department of PhysicsAug
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81. short-time self-diffusion of nearly hard spheres at an oil–water inte..[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Short-time self-diffusion of nearly hard spheres at an oil–water interface Y. PENG1, W. CHEN1, TH. M. FISCHER2, D. A. WEITZ3AND P. TONG1†1Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,Hong Kong2Institute of Experimen
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82. short-time self-diffusion of nearly hard spheres at an oil–water inte..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Short-time self-diffusion of nearly hard spheres at an oil–water interface Optical microscopy and multi-particle tracking are used to study hydrodynamic interactions of monodisperse polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) spheres at a decalin–water interface. The short-time self-diffusion coeffici
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2222     论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers

83. construction cost estimate[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Summary The construction project cost control goes throughout the entire process of the project, namely, decision-making stage, the project design stage, the project implementation stage and the stage related to the completion of the construction project cost control. Statistics show that the im
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84. 美国土-气型地源热泵技术在中国的推广[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • 摘要:今年以来,美国能源部等国际上一批机构表示愿意继续帮助和支持中国推广这种具有明显节能、环保效果的新的地源热泵技术。中国科技部、国家经贸委、国家计委等机构和一些地方政府也表示将继续支持推广工作。人员培训和技术交流活动正日益增多。北京市计科能源新技术开发公司成立了专门从事地源热泵推广工作的热泵事业部,并派员赴美国进行了长时间的系统培训,成为国际地热泵协会会员和取得了该会注册工程师资格;同美国地热泵生产商、工程商和设计、技术开发、培训部门建立了广泛的联系和合作关系。合资生产土--气型地源热泵机组的准备工作正在紧张进行,预计今年年底第一家合资生产厂将投入生产。这一切都预示,大规模推广土--气型地
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85. research on oil physical characteristics by physical method[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • This article has outlined the four basic principles of physics method and the application domain briefly: the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the pulse Fourier transformation nuclear resonance method (PFT-NMR), x ray diffraction and the electron microscope (EM) and carries on the summary o
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86. application of physical technology on storing and transporting the fr..[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Introduction:Nowadays people have paid more attention to the quality rather than quantity of the fruits and vegetables as the improvement of standard of living. There are many factors that affect the quality of fruits and vegetables, and one of the most important factors is the technology of the st
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87. palladio’s villa rontonda[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Introduction It is well known that sixteenth century is the golden time of Renaissance. Not only many excellent paintings, sculptures and literature works appeared, but also in the field of architecture, the people of that age have achieved richful fruit, such as Gian Giorgio Trissino, Daniele Bar
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88. 保护环境论文[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • In order to protect our environment from being polluted, I will do some publicity with my classmates to explain the harmfulness of pollution.Through this people will be able to realize the serious pollution human beings have made to the nature and realize the importance of a clean environment. In f
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:23614     论文属性:短文 essay

89. the basal principle and the development of auto engine[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • The Basal Principle and the Development of Auto Engine1.ntroduction 1.1 brief introduction of auto ....................................................1.2 framework of this essay2.The basal principle of auto engine: combustion of fuel into kinetic energy.3..............
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2155     论文属性:短文 essay

90. predicting protein function via genomic data-mining[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Predicting Protein Function via Genomic Data-MiningABSTRACTMotivation: In recent years, as while as the experimental methods for genome developed quickly which has led to the discovery of many human protein coding genes that were unknown in the last. There is a growing problem of optimal
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