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91. landscape design as art intervention or installation [内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Landscape design as art intervention or installation Chapter 1 IntroductionThe researcher’s work is become a landscape planner who looks toward the future. For each of some influential people in the landscape design area, the researcher will summarize the central idea that motivated their w
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:3144     论文属性:建议书 proposal

92. an evaluation of an urban riverfront park riverfront park, spokane, wa..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURETABLE OF CONTENTSPageACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………...iiiABSTRACT ………………………………...……………………………………….ivLIST
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:5029     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

93. brief contributions new svoboda-tung division[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Abstract—This paper presents a general theory for developing newSvoboda-Tung (or simply NST) division algorithms not suffering thedrawbacks of the “classical” Svoboda-Tung (or simply ST) method. NSTavoids the drawbacks of ST
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2500     论文属性:短文 essay

94. minimize denials of service (dos) attacks in wireless ad hoc network[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Minimize Denials of Service (DoS) attacks in wireless ad hoc network Introduction Base on 802.11 wirelesses network has expand rapidly in nowadays. It was widely used in military sectors and industrial before, but now it already used i
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:3033     论文属性:学期论文 termpaper

95. 基础地质学 just about anything of a palaeontological or historical geo..[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • A Study on Geology of Yemen AbstractYemen is located in the southern edge of the Arabian Shield, formed in Precambrian times from a tangled complex of ancient rocks. In spite of the shield has acted a rigid landm
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:3611     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

96. this paper aims to explaining the two sides of woodchip corrals accord..[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • CONTENTS Abstract 2 1. Introduction 5 2. The character and principle of woodchip corrals related with the result of experiment 8 3. The positive effect of woodchip corrals on the environment 12 3.1. Woodchip corral is world-spread and cheap. 13 3.2. Constructive aspects of wood chip corrals
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:4458     论文属性:申请信 Application Letter

97. research and application of protection technology[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY 摘要: Abstract: Research and application progress of NARI-RELAYS in protection based on DPFC were reviewed, key technology employed in line, busbar, transformer and generator protection were presented. It was pointed out that integration of main and
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2767     论文属性:短文 essay

98. multi robots cooperative based on action selection level[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Multi Robots Cooperative Based on Action Selection Level Abstract: In a multi robots environment, the overlap of actions selected by each robot makes the acquisition of cooperation behaviors less efficient. In this paper an approach is proposed to determine the action selection priority level ba
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2443     论文属性:短文 essay

99. a wavelet-based face image compression method[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • a wavelet-based face image compression method A face is usually used for person identification, thus a face image is often put on the ID card to do verification. However, there is risk when the card is lost, the picker may replace the face image and use it for malicious purpose. To avoid this situ
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2633     论文属性:短文 essay

100. a lattice filter for cdma overlay[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • A Lattice Filter for CDMA Overlay Code division multiple access (CDMA) implemented with direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) is the most promising multiple accessing technique for cellular mobile communications systems. The spectral efficiency or spectral capacity of such a system is often ina
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2774     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

101. real-time eestimation of long-term 3-d motion parameters for nshc face..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Real-Time Eestimation of Long-Term 3-D Motion Parameters for NSHC Face Amimation and Model-Based Coding Applications Abstract— In this pager, we present two recursive methods for the real-time estimation of long-term three-dimensional (3-D) motion parameters from monocular image sequences suitable
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:3157     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

102. study on antibacterial starch/chitosan blend film formed under the act..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Study on antibacterial starch/chitosan blend film formed under the action of irradiation Abstract Starch/chitosan blend films were prepared by irradiation of compression-molded starch-based mixture in physical gel state with electron beam (EB) at room temperature. The influence of chitosan and ra
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2846     论文属性:短文 essay

103. hydrogels of poly[(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)-co- (diallyl dimet..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Hydrogels of poly[(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)-co- (diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride)] as thermal and pH controlled drug delivery system for releasing notoginsenoside Abstract Poly [(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)-co-(diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride)] [poly(DMAEMA-co-DADMAC)] hydrogels
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2504     论文属性:短文 essay

104. zns nanoparticles doped with cu(i ) by controlling coordination and pr..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • ZnS nanoparticles doped with Cu(I ) by controlling coordination and precipitation in aqueous solution A novel method for the synthesis of ZnS5Cu colloids has were used as both ligand and surfactant, and acted to stabilize been studied in aqueous solution, in which the Cu+ ions Cu+ ions in aqueo
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:3146     论文属性:课程作业 Coursework

105. optical properties of zns:cu colloid prepared with sulfurous ligands[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Optical properties of ZnS:Cu colloid prepared with sulfurous ligands Abstract A novel method of the synthesis of ZnS:Cu colloid was studied in an aqueous solution, in which Cu1 was successfully inducted into ZnS host with the assistance of sulfurous ligand: thiourea or thiosulfate. The optical
  • 论文类别:Science Technology     人气:2627     论文属性:课程作业 Coursework


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